Nothing new

It has been ages since I last posted, and once again boredom brings me back.

The Amanda Todd story seems like dragging on forever. The Dutch are dragging their feet over the Coban nonsense, but I guess it is because they know it is all pretty much phoney. Not wanting to go all conspiracy theorist on this (but I will) I strongly suspect that the Canadians told Coban’s defence to go easy and not bring up too much troublesome evidence (Berenson, all of Amanda’s partners in crime etc) in exchange for no extra prison time.

Anyways. As a side issue, it is interesting to see that news in the media is getting more like 4Chan and trolling every day. Piers Morgan says something provocative, everybody piles in to say how much they hate him, he trends – job done. Just like the kids who set up trolling Facebook pages 20 years ago. Trump incites God knows what, and the MAGA pigs feed from the trough.

We need another Amanda. A sacrificial lamb.

Last comment

Well, it looks like the Amanda Todd story has drawn to a close. I’ll keep this short, as people don’t read details these days.

When I started this blog, it was obvious that the basic story of a normal kid getting caught out by a one-off incident wasn’t true. Instead, it was the story of a severely unbalanced child who became mired in the Internet cesspit.

Could she have been saved? Was there anything that could have been done differently? Maybe with Draconian rules and/or hospitalization of some sort? Who knows?

I am still not sure about all the Aydin Coban shit, but given what I know now everything seems feasible. To think that he went untraced for so long is incredible. And to see no mention of Michael Berenson’s involvement is odd. But to Amanda it was all part of the game. There were so many times that she could have dropped out of it – right at the beginning, after the BlogTV nonsense, later on. But she was addicted to it all.

It was a tragedy. Towards the end, it must have been a living nightmare. In the old days, she could have changed her name, moved to another place and started over. But the Internet never forgets. Amanda’s final video should never have been allowed. Even then she could not resist advertising herself in the same medium that was the source of most of her woes. The amount of vitriol and hatred that ended up in the comments was huge.

One has to wonder whether some people are predestined for self-destruction (see Gwyn Staddon). Or was Amanda a product of her surroundings? Was there a key event that sent her off the rails? For many people Aydin Coban provides a very easy answer. It was all his fault. But in my opinion it goes way beyond that.

I finish with some advice. Take it or leave it.

Don’t give your young child freedom to smoke weed, drink, or basically run riot. It didn’t help Amanda.

Think about the effect your own personal strife has on your child. Amanda’s parent split, and the subsequent rejection problems didn’t help Amanda.

Try to keep an eye on your child’s online interaction. That is really difficult, so educate them early on to not trust strangers and so on. 99% of kids are going to do something stupid online at some point, no matter how much they are told not to. But let them know that you will not go crazy and angry if they fail.

To be honest, I wouldn’t point them to the Todd story. It is too stained, too tawdry and it has an extremely risky end, e.g. the only way out is suicide. These days there is a ton of advice online.

Karma llama

Well, what can I say?

Has there finally been closure of the Amanda Todd fiasco?

So far, each time I have thought that there is no more to be discovered something else crops up. Maybe this time it really is all over.

There is absolutely no doubt that the lovely Carol Todd will continue to repeat the story ad nauseam. With her Munchausen’s By Proxy approach to parenthood, it is to be expected.

But who cares now? Even I have been surprised by the lack of interest in the whole thing. I was expecting minute-by-minute live tweeting throughout the court case, columns of insight and information, but there was barely a squeak.

And all for what? Again, I really thought that her story might at least be told to kids like some sort of Grimm fairy tale, a terrifying story that would scare them off social media forever. But no. There are even more dumbass kids being sextorted now. Seems there’s still no cure for stupidity.

And what about Aydin Coban? I still don’t believe the whole story. It still seems too preposterous to imagine that he was EVERY one of Amanda’s contacts. However…. the defence in court was so stunningly poor that maybe they knew he was as guilty as fuck. Or he has been stitched up like a kipper.

Anyways, some people will be happy. All the shitty little bullies are very much off the hook; the RCMP who were totally useless can now forget about it; maybe even Norm Todd might find some peace.

Me? Well, it has been a long time. I wasn’t that far off track in my version of the story. To be fair, I was actually pretty soft on Amanda. If Carol Todd hadn’t perpetuated so many lies – like one innocent photo that turned into one video that turned into at least ten performances – we wouldn’t have needed all this nonsense. But then again, if Carol Todd had done her job as a mother, we wouldn’t have any story at all.

Tata for now.

Timeline from a close source


The True Story of Amanda Todd

 “I …tried to help Amanda through a lot of difficulties.

Amanda made a lot of bad choices, but just couldn’t stay out of the limelight – good or bad – that is mental illness, she had mental illness and that is where the focus needs to be… “
 I have spent many many months in question of how it all happened for Amanda and a truth of my own to understanding it…I know Norm has spent many nights doing the same. In 7 months I have never posted publicly regarding Amanda, this has been for Norm and I a very private journey, and while I could never go down the public road that Carol has, we all have our way of coping with Amanda’s death…I will say, it has been difficult for many people to understand Carol’s approach and like you say, if it were one of my own children…

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Aydin Coban guilty


Aydin Coban has been found guilty. Later, I might do a post on why this may or may not be a good thing.

Just briefly – the defence was so utterly piss poor that I wonder why they bothered to turn up.

Carol Todd will get her moment of glory, Saint Amanda has survived. Then hopefully the whole sordid episode can be forgotten.

Until the appeal, probably.

Milk that cash cow!

The Amanda Todd Legacy cunts are still desperately trying to make the most of their star player. Carol and her crew have exploited her more after she died than when she lived, just to line their own pockets.

May 2011

Just an interim post. It shows Amanda’s desperation to be online and her aptitude for drama. It looks like the tweet has been deleted, but there is some interesting stuff on her Twitter that reflects her booze and blaze days.

The True Story of Amanda Todd

In May 2011, Amanda encountered problems again.

Hey, follow back:( its amanda you followed me before i had to delete my twitter from a stalker trying to kill me , please:(

This is indicative of Amanda’s oddness. Still doing whatever she does online, still under pressure, her Internet addiction dictates that she gets back as soon as she can.

We could read other things here. Austin Mahone has millions of followers, yet her approach to him is as if he knows who she is. I am never sure what state of mind Amanda was in online. It also shows that she could never stop broadcasting information and being the Drama Queen. Nobody was trying to kill her, but hey, it is an attention-grabber.

This could have been a reaction to this:

On May 4th 2011 Amanda got this Facebook profile…

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